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I've installed the Collaboration server on a local linux server in our internal network. This means that I can't use a third party ssl certificate issued by certbot. Instead I made a self certificate with openssl. This works fine when accessing the Collaboration server from a browser within the network. However, when I try to configure the repository in openLCA (v. 1.11.0)  by rightclicking on the database and adding a server the following message appear:

"The site xxx.xxx.xx.xxx you are trying to connect to uses an unknown SSL certificate. Do you want to add the certificate to the list of trusted certificates? You will need to rerun the current action to continue after adding it"

I answer "Yes" and can continue to "Add new repository", but the list with repository paths is blank.

If I repeat the process the same warning appears every time, even if I restart all the systems. Because of this I suspect that the problem lies with the ssl certificate, but I am not sure. The certificate appears under "SSL certificates" in "Settings" in openLCA.

So for my questions:
1. Can you use self certified ssl certificates for the Collaboration server if you want to connect with openLCA?
2. How do you make it a trusted certificate in openLCA (in Windows 10)?
in LCA Collaboration Server by (160 points)

1 Answer

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by (160 points)
I managed to solve it and will answer my own questions if somebody else might have similiar problems.

1. Yes, you can use self signed certificates with the Collaboration server. However, it was a bit of a challange to set up an ssl certificate and configure the local network so that both the openLCA client and the internet browsers will work, since they have different rules. The problem described above was likely because openLCA could find the server, but there was a name mismatch with the certificate.

2. If the certificate and the local network configured correctly, the certificate will be added as trusted by following the instructions in openLCA described in the question.