+1 vote
Hello everyone,

I have started using openLCA and I am wondering if the software can handle the circular footprint formula suggested by different PEFCRs. That is, if I have a product, for example steel, and I want to assess the impacts using CFF, is it possible? Or do I have to use another software to do the calculation including R1, R2 and A parameters?

Thank you all
in openLCA by (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (200 points)
Dear Alessandro,

unfortunately i haven't found a way yet to calculate the whole formula just using OpenLCA. While crediting the heat and electic energy yielded by incineration was fairly easy, the calculations with the Allocation factor is where my investigation came to a halt aswell and i was forced to move to Excel.

However, i think it is possible to calculate the whole formula by creating workaround processes.


by (130 points)
Dear Jan,

Thank you so much for the reply. I did like you wrote, with the help of Excel.

