When you start openLCA on macOS the first time you may see an error message like this:

The reason for this is that openLCA is not a signed application and the security settings of macOS do not allow to run it.

To fix this, do the following steps:

  • move the openLCA_macOS_*.tr.gz to some other folder than the Download folder
  • extract this file using the macOS native Archive Utility
  • open the Terminal app and navigate to the folder where you extracted openLCA cd folder/with/openLCA
  • execute the following command: sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine openLCA.app

Another option is to change the security settings globally via sudo spctl --master-disable but this does not seem to work on new macOS versions.

Original author and post: Michael Srocka at https://github.com/GreenDelta/olca-app/issues/152
